The Myth of Logo Design

Designing a logo is an essential part of any company’s branding and marketing strategy. However, there are many misconceptions about what logos can do for your business. In this blog post, we will debunk the top 6 myth of logo design to help you better understand how they work and if they are right for your business!

Myth 1 : More is better

The truth is that people can only remember about seven items at a time, so having too many different images will confuse the public and could hurt you in the end. A great logo should stand out from other brands while still representing what makes your company special!

Myth 2: Bigger Budget Means Better Designs

While they say you get what you pay for, this is not always the case.

If a designer is charging an arm and a leg to make your logo, it might be because of their experience or talent level.

As with anything else in life, don’t let price alone dictate whether something is good or bad! If you’re not happy with your logo, then it might be time to find another designer.

Myth 3: A Logo Should Have A Symbol

It’s true that many of the most recognizable brands are known for their symbols, but this is not an absolute must.

Companies like FedEx and Mcdonald’s have logos with no visual elements at all! Instead, they focus on simple text to give you a clear understanding of what makes them special.

If your company has something unique or memorable about it, why limit yourself by adding in unnecessary graphics? A good designer should be able to take your brand identity and turn it into a powerful logo without making any sacrifices along the way.

Myth 4: A Logo Should Reflect The Brand Service

Logo design is a science, but it’s also an art. In order to get the perfect logo for your company, you need someone who can understand what makes you different from everyone else and give that concept visual form.

In many cases, this means taking elements of your brand identity and building on them in a way that speaks directly to people who interact with your brand.

Myth 5: Should Follow Industry Style

Industry style guides are a great way to establish clear communication between members of the team and set a standard for logo design. However, this doesn’t mean that your finished product should exactly match theirs. Your brand identity is just as important as theirs and it deserves ample attention in its own right. It’s perfectly acceptable to diverge from industry standards to set your brand apart.

Myth 6: Logos Are Forever

Logos are not forever. They need to be able to adapt to your brand, otherwise, you’ll find yourself in the same position as many brands who have logos so outdated that it’s surprising they can still function at all.


You’ve probably heard the saying, “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” But what about judging an organization’s brand? Your logo design is one of your most important marketing assets and should be treated as such. We want to help you create or redesign your company’s logo with our signature Artmeet process. Our team will work with you every step of the way, from brainstorming ideas to selecting fonts, colors, and more! Sign up for our free trial today to see how we can make designing your new logo easy (and fun)!

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