Questions To Ask Before You Start Freelancing

Do you have a little extra time on your hands and want to make some more money? Freelancing is a great way to do that. You can work from home or anywhere else with an internet connection, which means it’s perfect for someone who doesn’t want the responsibility of owning their own business. This blog post will help you find out what questions you should ask before starting freelancing so that you can avoid mistakes and increase your chances of success!

Can You Handle the Business Side of Freelancing?

When you’re a freelancer, it means that you are your own boss. You have to handle all the business aspects of running a small business yourself – from paying taxes and keeping track of expenses to marketing your services and finding new clients. Can you realistically take on this responsibility? Do you already do these things for other businesses or  projects you work on? If not, can you learn quickly or hire someone to help?

Not to mention the laws, paperwork, marketing, and financial responsibilities that come with starting and running your own company. You’ll have to register your business, pay taxes, create invoices, attract clients, respond to emails professionally, plan meetings, and converse over the phone as a freelancer, among other things.

Do You Get Stressed Easily?

Freelancing is all about deadlines. You need to be able to meet yours or you won’t make money! If you are not used to working under pressure, freelancing might not be right for you.

Do you have thick skin? People who are your clients will not always be happy with what they get, especially if it is for the first time. You need to learn how to take criticism and see it as an opportunity to improve yourself.

Are You Organized Enough?

Freelancing is all about deadlines. You need to be able to meet yours or you won’t make money! If you are not used to working under pressure, freelancing might not be right for you.

Discipline  is another important trait of successful freelancers. You need to be able to stay focused on your work, even when you’re alone at home and there is no one telling you what needs to be done next.

Do You Know Your Worth?

Freelancing can be a great way to earn some extra money on the side, but it’s not always as simple as turning on your laptop and sitting back. You should know how much you are worth before starting freelancing so that you set up realistic expectations for yourself.

Confidence is a very important quality to have as a freelancer. You will be the one marketing your skills and services, so you need to feel confident in what you can offer.

Do you have a Backup Plan?

Freelancing can be a wonderful thing. You get to set your own hours and work from home, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need a backup plan in case things go wrong or if the clients decide they no longer want to use your services.  What do you have in place for these types of situations?

Stability is important.  Freelancing can be a wonderful thing, but it might not ultimately fit your lifestyle. For example, if you have children or other people that depend on you financially then freelancing might not work out for you in the long term. Make sure to think about whether or not this is something that will benefit both yourself and those around you.

Are You Ready to Commit?

Some freelancers are able to work on a part-time basis, while others may be looking at doing this full time. Keep in mind that the more hours you put into your business, the less time there is left over for family and friends.

Communication Is Key. If you are working with clients that can’t communicate their needs clearly then this is something to consider. You might need specific training or experience in order to fulfill the client’s requests, which could cost more than what they’re willing to pay for your services. This means less money made and possibly unsatisfied customers!


If you’ve been thinking about freelancing or starting your own business, today is the day to get started. We have put together a list of questions that are sure to help guide your decision-making process and pave the way for success in your new venture. Don’t be overwhelmed by all these questions! You can answer them one at a time over the next few days if need be, but make sure you’re answering these honestly before setting up shop on your own. And don’t forget to use Artmeet‘s Freelance Marketplace when looking for clients–they’ve got an extensive database of artists waiting for work who would love to connect with someone like yourself!

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