Do’s and Dont’s of Become A Professional Graphic Design Freelancer

What does it take to be a successful graphic design freelancer? It’s not as simple as you might think. This article will break down the do and don’ts of being a freelance designer, so that you can avoid the pitfalls and get started on the right foot!

Do: Make A Plan For Your Life And Your Finances

Many freelance graphic designers struggle with this because they don’t know where to start or what to do, and it’s a huge mistake! You must make plans for your day-to-day life (such as time management) and also for the short term (how many clients you’ll pursue in a month).

Do: Work With People You Want To Work With

You are your brand. The people you work with will have their own opinions of who you are and what type of designer you are based on how well they worked together. If there was a lot of miscommunication, it may not be the best idea to keep working with them or refer others to work with them.

Do: Make A Good Impression On Clients

You are the first person they will meet on a project, so it’s important to give off good vibes! Don’t be snarky, don’t complain – just do your job well. They may have heard things about you from their friend or who knows where , so keep that in mind when you are working with them.

Do: Be Open With Feedback

Don’t be afraid to give feedback on your client’s project! If they ask what you think, let them know if something isn’t working or could be better done. They will appreciate knowing where things can improve. Clients look for designers with good taste and style, so if they ask what you think, be sure to give them an honest answer.

Don’t: Work For Free

This is a huge mistake and it’s something that most people struggle with when they’re just starting out. You will work for free, but there are limits to what you should do without getting paid. If you want to get your name out there or start a portfolio, then go ahead! But if you don’t have a portfolio or you’re starting out, then don’t work for free.

Don’t: Accept Work That’s Outside Of Your Comfort Zone

This is a big one. You will never grow or improve if you continue to do things that bring no value to your work. One way of looking at it is, “If I don’t want my mom and dad seeing this, then why would anyone else?” It means what you created is not good enough for your portfolio. If that’s the case, then it shouldn’t be in there!

Don’t: Get Rude About Payment

You aren’t getting paid yet, but it’s important to go over the terms of payment before starting a project! This includes how much they will pay for milestones or small projects along the way. You don’t want to get stuck doing a job and not getting paid for it because you didn’t discuss payment in the beginning.

Don’t: Just Go For Anyone Who Asks

This is an easy mistake to make, but you have to be choosy. The last thing you need are clients who don’t pay or simply waste your time! You should only accept work that will bring in good money and won’t create a major issue for you later on. Look for clients who are willing to work with you and be respectful of your time.


When you are a graphic designer, there are certain dos and don’ts that can help your business succeed. Check out this article to find the Dos and Don’ts for Freelance Designers today! If you’re looking for more clients or have any questions about the design industry, feel free to contact us at Artmeet. We’ll be happy to answer your questions so you can build up your freelance career. Click here now-it’s our favorite way of connecting with other designers around Malaysia who need work done on their projects!

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