13 Steps to Start Your Career As Freelance Designer

If you are a designer looking to start your career as a freelance designer, there are some important steps you should take. To help out aspiring designers, we’ve put together 13 helpful tips in this blog post on how to get started with freelance design work.

Know your skill set

Know what you are good at, and don’t be afraid to pursue a niche for that. If you can do it better than others, then go after the market!

Build up your portfolio of work

Don’t just design one thing over and over again in order to get an “impressive” portfolio, but rather try new things so that when people look through them they see different styles from time-to-time. This will give potential clients more confidence in hiring you because there is some variety in your style.

Give yourself deadlines on projects with clients

Even if the client does not want or need specific deadlines, it’s always a good idea to keep track of to ensure you can complete the job on time.

Offer your services as a designer for hire

There is no need to limit yourself only to freelance designing. You can also offer design-related advice or tips when you are not working on any projects with clients while still providing valuable commentary and feedback. This will help other designers grow their skills, which in turn may lead them back into hiring you!

Don’t be afraid to work alone (or find creative ways to collaborate)

Designers who work from home often have the most success because they don’t feel pressured by time constraints like those of an office setting where there’s always someone waiting right outside the door ready to pounce at any moment. It gives these people much more freedom but if you are not disciplined , it can lead to long periods of inactivity.

Finding Collaborators

An easy way for designers living near one another to collaborate is by using Google Docs and sharing their screens so they are able to work on the same project at the same time, making progress a lot more quickly than usual. This method also has low costs associated with it since you’re only paying for internet service per month (or some other form of communication).

Keep Up Appearances & Develop Your Social Media Presence

If you want your freelance career to look professional then make sure that any social media profiles represent this as well! It’s very important not just because potential clients may be looking for information about who they might hire.

Take Care of Yourself

Working from home can be very tempting to work a lot more than you’re supposed to. Make sure that you take care of yourself and your time so that you don’t burn out before the end of the year!

Keep Your Freelance Business Legal

It’s important to make sure any freelance business is legal, especially if it’s taking place in another state as well. This way there are no worries about being shut down or having other problems with the law over something small like not paying taxes on an income (for example).

Be Prepared for Expenses & Cuts in Income

A freelancer may experience large expenses such as buying new equipment or software. Your income might not be as stable as it would be if you had a regular job and could plan for expenses.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Advice From Your Peers

When it comes to starting your freelance career, don’t be afraid to ask for advice from more experienced freelancers or successful designers in the industry.

Takeaway: These are all things that can help you get started on the right foot when working as a freelancer! Understanding how this business works will make running it much easier – even with some of its challenges.

Find Your Niche

Similar to how you might have a niche in your career as an employee, it is important that you find one for yourself if you want to be successful as a freelancer.

Don’t Forget the Taxes!

If working freelance sounds good but doesn’t sound like all of its pros outweigh the cons, make sure not to forget about taxes and other expenses related to this type of work. This can include things such as self-employment tax or business registration fees. These are typically paid quarterly so always remember that they will come out of what would otherwise be profit from your jobs – unlike when freelancers work on commission where their pay rate is fixed and these costs don’t apply.”


You’ve done the research and read all of our tips, so you know what it takes to start a freelance design career. Now is the time to take action! There are tons of ways you can get started as an independent designer, but we recommend Artmeet because they offer great opportunities for designers looking to build their portfolio and find new clients online. Sign up now and stay tuned for more blog posts on freelancing coming soon!

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